It’s convenient and easy.
Get Access to Doctors for a flat monthly fee! Consultations are FREE!
24/7 Doctor Access
Request a consultation with a U.S. licensed physician in your state via phone, computer, mobile app or video.
FREE Consultation
A doctor will call to consult with you about your medical concerns and recommend a treatment plan and update your medical records.
Receive Quality Care
A prescription will be called in if needed, and you will have a 24/7 secure access to your member portal as well.
Used by 20 Million + People
The AMA states that 78% of all ER, Urgent Care & Doctor Visits can be handled safely and effectively using a similar medical program.

Connect to a doctor in minutes.
Get connected with state-licensed, via phone and video chat, to provide treatment and advice for common ailments, including colds, the flu, rashes and more.
Many people have Simple Medical Benefits with their health insurance.
- No Consultation Fee
- Family Plans available
- Save on High Deductibles
- Save on Co-pays
- Save time!
Get access to Simple Medical Benefits without insurance!
- Covers the entire family
- General medical visits available 24/7
- Save on High Deductibles
- Save on Co-pays
- Save time!